
All the photo albums


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577 résultats

Tous les albums photos

  • DIAPO_028_001
    Monteverdi, Selva morale e spirituale (1992)
    Paris, France, 1989
  • PHOTO_020_01
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • DIAPO_044_001
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • PHOTO_020b_01
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    Performance, 1988
  • DIAPO_045_001
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • PHOTO_O_01
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • DIAPO_042_001
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • DIAPO_043_001
    Actéon/Dido and Aeneas (1993)
    On tour, 1988
  • PHOTO_P1_01
    David et Jonathas (1988)
    Tournée, 1988
  • PHOTO_A_01
    Bouzignac, Moulinié, Lambert, Charpentier (1987)
    Tournée, 1987
  • PHOTO_B002_013
    Anacréon / Actéon (1986)
    Performance, 1985
  • DIAPO_B002_001
    Anacréon / Actéon (1986)
    Performance, 1985
  • PHOTO_B001a_001
    Dido & Aeneas / Il Ballo delle Ingrate (1983)
    Performance, 1983
  • PHOTO_B001b_001
    Dido and Aeneas / Il Ballo delle Ingrate (1983)
    Performance, 1983
  • PHOTO_048_01
    Enregistrement du Sant'Alessio de Landi (1995)
    Innsbrück, Austria, 1981