Pressefoto De Negri D C Clemence Demesme


Les Fêtes d'Hébé


Les Fêtes d'Hébé


Ensemble Les Arts Florissants


Emmanuelle DE NEGRI, dessus, Hébé, Naïade
Lea DESANDRE, dessus, Iphise, Sapho, Eglé
Ana VIEIRA LEITE, dessus, Amour, Ruisseau, une Lacédémonienne, Bergère
Cyril AUVITY, haute-contre, Ruisseau, Luycurgue
Antonin RONDEPIERRE, taille, Thélème
Marc MAUILLON, bass, Momus, Mercure
Lisandro ABADIE, bass, Alcée, eurilas
Matthieu WALENDZIK, bass, Fleuve
Renato DOLCINI, bass, Tirtée, Hymas


Jean-Philippe RAMEAU - Les Fêtes d'Hébé ou les Talens lyriques

With its transformations of scenery and plots that were more gallant than mythological, this 1739 creation celebrated the virtuosity of song and ballet, harmony and orchestra. Rameau displayed his genius here and won an undisputed triumph.


Hebe, goddess of youth, could no longer stand Olympus and decided to sample the pleasures of humans on the banks of the Seine.

In her honour, L'Amour organises three shows, each illustrating the power of youth over hearts when supported by ‘lyrical talent’ - poetry, music or dance. Sapho, Iphise and Eglé are the heroines of these sung and danced episodes.


The opera-ballet of the 18th century was intended to be a total spectacle. With its transformations of scenery and plots that were more gallant than mythological, this 1739 creation celebrated the virtuosity of song and ballet, harmony and orchestra. Rameau displayed his genius here and won an undisputed triumph.


Logo Aline Foriel-Destezet

Upcoming concerts

Paris / France
Opéra Comique

  • Friday, December 13 2024, 8pm
  • Sunday, December 15 2024, 3pm
  • Tuesday, December 17 2024, 8pm
  • Thursday, December 19 2024, 8pm
  • Saturday, December 21 2024, 8pm
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