Jardin Des Voix Portrait Arrow 1 DR Philippe Delval


Asian Tour: follow the artists on the web!

October 10 2016

This Autumn Les Arts Florissants has a rendezvous with Asia and the ensemble is inviting you to follow it on the web.

It is too good an oportunity to miss: Les Arts Florissants will be to meeting its Asian audiences during a tour of Japan, China and South Korea. From the 13th until 18th October 2016, the ensemble’s musicians, William Christie and singers from the 7th edition of the Jardin des Voix academy will perform in Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, and Macao, with a musical programme evoking another wonderful voyage entitled :« An Italian Garden ».

In order to share this uncommon adventure with the greatest number, the artists are inviting you to follow their travels by means of the social networks Facebook and Twitter, with their anecdotes, glimpses backstage and performance recollections…
