The Festival proposes a large number of activities for young public and their families: family workshops, stryteller in the garden, gardening...

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Dans les Jardins de William Christie, a Festival for families

August 24 2016

The Festival proposes a large number of activities for young public and their families: family workshops, stryteller in the garden, gardening...

Families activities - 2016 Festival

3.45-4.30pm : Musical workshop - Molière, mariage des muses (in French)

Participatory workshop with the artists of the Fesitval to discover the link between theater and music at the court of the Sun-King.

With the singer Sophie Daneman accompanied by singers and musicians of Les Arts Florissants.

Video clip © L'Oeil électrique

3.45-4.30pm: Musical tales - En compagnie des Nymphes (in French)

With Pierre Deschamps and musicians of Les Arts Florissants.

4.30-6.30pm : Children Gardening - Notes à planter

In partnership with Pépinières Ripaud and La Maison familiale et rurale de Mareuil-sur-Lay.