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Parcours Pedagogique Vendee 2018 5093 DxPlO Jacky Joccotton


Educational path in South-Vendée : here we go again!

April 23 2018

Since last February, 8 primary school classes in South-Vendée have initiated a discovery baroque music on the theme: "the world of Mr Bach". And this is but a start!

For the second year in a row, Les Arts Florissants offers a series of playful and participative workshops to schools situated nearby Thiré, in the Vendée. With this musical discovery path, British soprano Sophie Daneman along with singers and musicians of Les Arts Florissants invite the schoolchildren to dive into the baroque world, and more specifically this year in that of Mr Johann Sebastian Bach. Tiil June, each workshop will lead them to explore the story and the music of this great composer, but also to get more familiar with baroque music thanks to practical exercises. All of which, while having fun of course!

> March workshop : see the photo album

> April workshop : see the photo album

In partnership with the Département de la Vendée et la DRAC Pays de la Loire
