

Educational paths: discover the adventure of pupils from Paris and the Southern Vendée

July 9 2018

No matter how old you are or where you live: the pleasure of Baroque music is for all. All year long, artists of Les Arts Florissants have been tutoring educational workshop to share their passion for this music with elementary and middle school pupils, in both the places where the Ensemble is anchored in France: Southern Vendée and the Philharmonie de Paris. An experience to be remembered!

"The universe of Mr Bach" in the Southern Vendée: 

Seven elementary school classes have taken part in the program and welcome workshops this year: Marie Curie school in Bessay, Le Pré Vert school in Sainte Hermine, Sainte Gemme la Plaine school, Eolière school in Chantonnay, La courte échelle school in Bournezeau, Thiré school and Les Piérides school in Sérigné.
After several months spent exploring the universe of composer Johann Sebastian Bach, the schoolchildren have presented the result of their discovery journey during a public performance on May 24th, in a playful and merry atmosphere.

> Workshops in March: see the photo album 

> Workshops in April: see the photo album

> Final presentation: see the photo album

In partnership with the Département de la Vendée and the DRAC Pays de la Loire

"English lessons with Les Arts Florissants" at the Philharmonie de Paris :

Meanwhile, pupils from the Collège Travail Langevin (middle school) in Bagnolet (nearby Paris and the Philharmonie) have been introduced to English music, with two artists of Les Arts Florissants and... William Christie's harpsichord. An adventure that helped them get better acquainted with Baroque music, but aslo with the English language! 

> See the photo album

As part of the CAC (Culture et Art au Collège) educational path organized in collaboration with the Cité de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris