

Erik Orsenna at the festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie

August 16 2017

This year, the festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie welcomes a prominent guest: novelist and member of the Académie française Erik Orsenna.

A music lover and a long-time fellow of Les Arts Florissants, Erik Orsenna will take part in the festival on August 25 and 26, for a unique program of events:

- La Fontaine: une école buissonnière: Erik Orsenna will present and autograph his latest publication, which will be on sale before public commercialisation.
25 & 26 August - 2pm - Maison de la Fontaine (Thiré) - free entrance 

- Musical promenade "La Fontaine et les Coquineries": imagined with the complicity of Catherine Massip, former Director of the Music department at the Musique de National French Library, this promenade associates pieces from the baroque repertoire performed by Les Arts Florissants' artists, and extracts from Jean de La Fontaine's Fables read by Erik Orsenna.
25 & 26 août - 4:45pm & 5:45pm - William Christie's garden (Thiré) - entry with a ticket for the musical promenades of the festival 

- Conversation by the waterside: Erik Orsenna and Henry-Claude Cousseau meet for a public talk by the reflecting pool.
25 & 26 août - 3:45pm - William Christie's garden (Thiré)

Rendez-vous in Thiré!
