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Quartier des artistes 2016_2


Help Us Build William Christie’s "Quartier des Artistes"

June 21 2017

 Les Arts Florissants, Les Jardins de Musique de William Christie and the Fondation du Patrimoine are inviting donations for William Christie’s Artists’ Quarter ("Le Quartier des Artistes") – International Campus of Les Arts Florissants in Thiré (Vendée, Pays de la Loire).

“It was here, in Sud-Vendée, that Les Arts Florissants came into being forty years ago. A few friends and I founded this music ensemble dedicated to Baroque music, allowing me to take this magnificent repertoire to the greatest concert halls around the globe.
It’s here too that I hope to make one of my dreams come true: to create a unique, original place that explores the link between Music and Gardens. The first success in this dream was the creation of the festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie, which takes place in late August in my gardens in Thiré.
Today, the next step for me and Les Arts Florissants is to found an international artistic and cultural centre for exchange and knowledge sharing.
The Artists’ Quarter is an essential part of this small campus’ development. Made up of several previously abandoned homes, it already hosts the musicians and singers of Les Arts Florissants, as well as all the young artists and creators we work with: young soloists from the Jardin des Voix, students from the Juilliard School of New York, instrumentalists from Les Arts Flo Junior and landscapers and gardeners early in their careers.
I am very proud of these achievements; but there is still much to be done. Two houses in particular require renovation, and for that we need you.
This project is the culmination of an entire life devoted to music and to gardens. Help us make this dream come true!”

William Christie.


William Christie

> More information / Make a donation

