Jardin des Voix 9 lauréats


Winners of Le Jardin des Voix 2019

June 6 2018

Le Jardin des Voix, Les Arts Florissants' baroque academy for young singers, is recognized as an exceptional breeding ground of talent and it has quickly taken on an international dimension.

Conducted by William Christie, Paul Agnew and Sophie Daneman, the Academy takes place over two weeks and then goes on tour performing a dozen or so concerts in renowned concert halls and opera houses all over the world. For the singers selected, Le Jardin des Voix represents a sure path into a professional career.

In 2019, next edition of Le Jardin des Voix will take place in Thiré, during the festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie.

In August 2019, the seven winners of the 9th edition of Le Jardin des Voix will gather in Thiré (Vendée region of France) to prepare La Finta Giardiniera, a program wich will be created during the Festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie before going on tour in France and abroad.

Seven young singers have been selected to join Le Jardin des Voix in 2017.

Winners of Le Jardin des Voix 2019


Mariasole Mainini (soprano, Italy), Lauren Lodge Campbell (soprano, United-Kingdom/Australia), Deborah Cachet (soprano, Belgium)

JDV9 boys

Théo Imart (countertenor, France), Moritz Kallenberg (tenor, Germany), Rory Carver (tenor, United-Kingdom), Sreten Manojlovic (bass, Serbia)
