

2018-2019 season of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris

July 17 2018

Season of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris will start on 2018, October 23. Varied programming of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris where the Ensemble has been in residence since 2015.

Dates of 2018-2019 season at the Philharmonie de Paris

Vocal concert

Tuesday, 2018 October 23 – 8.30pm
Gesualdo cycle, Madrigals - First Book
Direction Paul Agnew

Vocal concert

Tuesday, 2018 December 18 – 8.30pm
Christmas Night
Direction Paul Agnew

Vocal concert

Tuesday, 2019 January 22 – 8.30pm
Airs sérieux et à boire, vol. 3
Direction William Christie

Vocal concert

Wednesday, 2019 February 13 – 8.30pm
Dixit Dominus
Direction Paul Agnew

Chamber music

Tuesday, 2019 April 2 – 8.30pm
Pulse Passion
Musicians from Orchestre de Paris, Ensemble intercontemporain and Les Arts Florissants

Vocal concert

Friday 2019, April 19 – 8.30pm
Bach / Saint John Passion
Direction William Christie

Symphony concert

Wednesday, 2019 May 22 – 8.30pm
Haydn / Symphonies parisiennes
Direction William Christie

Vocal concert

Wednesday, 2019 June 5 – 8.30pm
Gesualdo cycle, Madrigals - Second Book
Direction Paul Agnew

Save the date !

Week-end at the Philharmonie de Paris to celebrate Les Arts Florissants 40 years!
2019 December 20, 21 and 22
