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2016-2017 season of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris

August 24 2016

Season of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris will start on 2016 September 27. Varied programming of Les Arts Florissants at the Philharmonie de Paris where the Ensemble has been in residence since 2015.

Dates of 2016-2017 season at the Philharmonie de Paris

Vocal Concert

Thursday, 2016 September 27 – 8.30pm
Bach, Cantates
Direction William Christie

Family workshops 

Saturday and Sunday, 2016 October 22 and 23 - various hours
Dansons Baroque ! au temps de Marie-Antoinette
With artists of Les Arts Florissants

Concert-promenade at the Music Museum

Sunday, 2016 November 6 – 2.30pm
Les Indes florissantes
With artists of Les Arts Florissants

Instrumental concert

Monday, 2016 November 21 – 8.30pm
La Harpe reine
Direction William Christie / Xavier de Maistre, harp

Family concert

Wednersday, 2016 November 23 – 3pm
La Harpe de Marie-Antoinette (in French)
Presenter Xavier de Maistre 

Full choir and orchestra concert

Thurdsay, 2016 December 13 – 8.30pm
Handel, Messiah
Direction William Christie

Semi-staged opera

Monday, 2017 March 20 – 8.30cpm
Monteverdi, Orfeo
Direction Paul Agnew
