Fifth bonus video of Monteverdi’s madrigals" /> To accompany the release of the CD Monteverdi Madrigali (vol. 2: Mantova), Paul Agnew recorded five bonus videos that bring a better understanding of Les Arts Florissants’ project to play and record all of Monteverdi’s madrigals.

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Video Madrigali Monteverdi


Fifth bonus video of Monteverdi’s madrigals

October 20 2014


To accompany the release of the CD Monteverdi Madrigali (vol. 2: Mantova), Paul Agnew recorded five bonus videos that bring a better understanding of Les Arts Florissants’ project to play and record all of Monteverdi’s madrigals.

This fifth video is a conversation between Paul Agnew, Associate Musical Director and Associate Conductor of Les Arts Florissants, and Pascal Duc, the Ensemble’s musical adviser, and was filmed at the Department of Early Music at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. They discuss how modern editions of a score are established from old sources and what effect that can have on the interpretation of works.

Monteverdi’s madrigals: from the sources to a modern score

Discover the first four bonus videos:

1 - Monteverdi: a life in music
> A general introduction to Monteverdi’s eight books of madrigals 

2 - Introduction to the Fourth Book 
3 - Introduction to the Fifth Book
4 - Introduction to the Sixth Book
> Three videos each offering an analysis of an emblematic madrigal, with a simultaneous reading of the score against the filmed concert

