What is a Promenade musicale in the gardens of William Christie?" /> Each afternoon of the Festival, 15min concerts called "Promenades musicales" are given simultaneously in various locations in the gardens in Thiré, Vendée. they are repeated several times, so that visitors can go from place to place and Promenade to Promenade. Late afternoon, everybody goes towards the Terraces to listen to the last Promenade musicale.

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 What is a Promenade musicale in the gardens of William Christie?

August 26 2016

Each afternoon of the Festival, 15min concerts called "Promenades musicales" are given simultaneously in various locations in the gardens in Thiré, Vendée. they are repeated several times, so that visitors can go from place to place and Promenade to Promenade. Late afternoon, everybody goes towards the Terraces to listen to the last Promenade musicale.

The artists of the Festival - musicians of Les Arts Florissants, interns of the Arts Flo Juniors, winners of Le Jardin des Voix and students from The Juilliard School of Music of New York - choose the programs of the Promenades musicales.

The public can enter William Christie’s gardens to walk, enjoy a picnic and attend to the Promenades musicales in the various locations at his discretion: the red garden, the cloister, the terraces, the green theater, the Chinese bridge and the temporary garden, a vegetal space especially created by young landscape-designers to host Promenades musicales (this year, the second edition of the prize was won by Atelier GAMA).

Video excerpt of a Promenade musicale

"Capriccio Stravagante" at the Mur des Cyclopes with Tami Troman, violin, Jean-Luc Thonnérieux, alto, Samantha Montgomery, alto and Cyril Poulet, cello.

Video clip © J.Blanch Productions
