

School workshops: "Dance and music in the time of the Sun King"

May 23 2024

The 2024 edition of Les Arts Florissants' educational program in Sud-Vendée is drawing to a close... with a grand finale!

Every year, the school project (Parcours scolaire) offers schools in the Sud-Vendée region a series of in-class artistic practice workshops, inviting pupils to discover the Baroque world. This Les Arts Florissants initiative, led by singer/director Sophie Daneman and choreographer Pierre-François Dollé, accompanied by singers and musicians from Les Arts Florissants, once again won over teachers... and pupils!

With the final workshops held last month, the schoolchildren are now preparing to present their discovery to their families, alongside the Baroque artists they have come to know over the months. On May 31, they'll be putting on a show in which everyone will have a part to play!
