Cremona CD" /> Whilst the first volume of Monteverdi's Madrigali directed by Paul Agnew has just been welcomed by the English and French press, a new short story written by René de Ceccatty, conceived as a litterary bonus to this recording, is available on Arts Flo Media.

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Madrigali Monteverdi Cremona


Acclaim for the Cremona CD

July 2 2015

Whilst the first volume of Monteverdi's Madrigali directed by Paul Agnew has just been welcomed by the English and French press, a new short story written by René de Ceccatty, conceived as a litterary bonus to this recording, is available on Arts Flo Media.


Good critics in the English press

The Guardian has given 4 stars to the Cremona CD, last release of the Arts Florissants Editions, and Gramophone magazine has selected it for the "Editor's choice" of its July issue: 

"If a keen sense of the interpretative moment is the hallmark of ensemble performance at its best, then this new Monteverdi instalment from Les Arts Florissants deserves to be held up as such.". Gramophone magazine
"Les Arts capture all the exuberant invention. Their delivery is fresh and colloquial, like animated conversation between friends. The vocal blend isn’t smooth – the character of each singer shines through, and the result is all the more colourful for it." The Guardian

Choc Classica in France

The Cremona CD has also been awarded the "Choc du mois" by the music specialized magazine Classica.

A short story to complete the disc

As a bonus to this recording,  a short story written by the French author René de Ceccatty La chose mentale et le chant des Pygmées — the second volume of artists portraits written especially for the Arts Florissants Editions and launched in the Mantova volume (already released) — is now available on our Arts Flo Media website.
