

Have a look back on the 7th edition of the Festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie

August 27 2018

Find here all the useful links and downloadable files, to re-live the Festival experience! 

Ask for the program!

Check the programs of the evening concerts (downloadable):
L'Orfeo by Monteverdi / Les Leçons de ténèbres by Couperin / Répons du Jeudi Saint by Gesualdo / Cantates de Weimar by Bach / The Beggar's Opera by John Gay 
Check the programs of the Promenades musicales (downloadable):
25 August / 26 August / 27 August / 29 August / 30 August / 31 August / 1st September


Discover the Festival behind the scenes, thanks to Les Arts Florissants' artists-Instagramers! 
> @lesartsflo sur Instagram 

Feedback in images

Check the photo albums of the 2018 Festival:
Promenades musicales
Candlelit concerts
The Beggar's Opera

Follow us as well the social media Facebook & Twitter!
