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Le Quartier des Artistes in July

July 17 2019

Each month, you can follow the construction's progress at Le Quartier des Artistes, the Arts and Culture campus of Les Arts Florissants in the village of Thiré, Sud Vendée.

La Grange - Rehearsal hall

The construction’s work on La Grange is almost over. It will soon welcome the first rehearsals sessions of Le Jardin des Voix Academy from August, 7th on.

La Maison In Terra Pax - Green room

The cleaning and asbestos removal work at the in Terra Pax house (the green room to be) is still going on. A new space between Rue de l’Hôpital and La Peupleraie is taking shape.

La Maison de la Fontaine

The 2019 Ephemeral Garden project, “Le Clos des Tomates”, is growing in the Maison de la Fontaine’s garden. The work sessions of Le Jardin des Voix Academy will soon take place at the house.


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Other spaces at Quartier des Artistes

New guests are expected at the accommodations in Thiré, Bâtiment, Maison des Artists, Maison des Anglais and Maison du Lavoir. The young laureates of Le Jardin des Voix Academy, the “Arts Flo Junior” harpsichordist trainee, the artistic team of the Academy, William Christie, Paul Agnew, Sophie Daneman, Rita De Letteriis and more will soon be start their residency in Thiré.


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Give a look at July construction's progress pictures 


We extend our wholehearted thanks to all those who have supported the restoration and development work at the    Quartier des Artistes. See you next month for a new update on our progress.