

The two last editions of Le Jardin des Voix in videos

March 2 2016

The video excerpts of the Jardin de Monsieur Rameau (6th edition of Le Jardin des Voix) and In an italian Garden (7th edition) are new available on Arts Flo Media.

After two weeks of hard work, the winners of Le Jardin des Voix, the Arts Florissants' Academy for young singers, go on tour performing a dozen or so concerts in renowned concert halls and opera houses in France and all around the world.

Le Jardin de Monsieur Rameau


The program of the 6th edition of Le Jardin des Voix was dedicated to Rameau and his contemporaries. This French music CD has been released in 2014.

Video excerpts available:

Video 1 - Montéclair, Rameau

Video 2 - Racot de Grandval

Video 3 - Dauvergne, Gluck

Video 4 - Rameau, Gluck

Video 5 - Campra

Video 6 - Rameau


In an Italien Garden

Jardin Des Voix Melbourne 2015 W Woodrow

In 2015 the winners of the 7th edition of Le Jardin des Voix worked two weeks before going on tour to Hong Kong, New York and Australia with a program dedicated to Italy.

Video excerpts available:

Video 1 - Bianchieri, Stradella, Vecchi

Video 2 - De Wert, Vivaldi

Video 3 - Vivaldi, Stradella

Video 4 - Cimarosa, Haydn
